Lumbar Spine Research Society

The Lumbar Spine Research Society has partnered with the National Spine Health Foundation to provide patient education information.

Patient Education Partnership with the National Spine Health Foundation

The Lumbar Spine Research Society has partnered with the National Spine Health Foundation to offer patient education. This landing page provides easy access to patient education resources to empower you with knowledge and hope on your journey to spine health.

Osteoporosis, Your Lumbar/Lower Spine, and the Importance of Assessing Your Bone Health

This latest National Spine Health Foundation (NSHF) Spine-Talks video from our Spine and Bone Health Task Force is focused on the connection between the lumbar/lower spine and bone health and the need to measure your bone density before having a lumbar spine surgery to ensure the best chance of a successful surgical outcome.

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Know Your Bones: A Guide to Lifelong Bone Health

Did you know that there is a global epidemic of poor bone health and osteoporosis? There are 54 million Americans that have low bone density or osteoporosis, highlighting the need to Know Your Bones, which is what this issue of The Spine Health Journal is all about!

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Understanding Low Back Pain

Experiencing low back pain? This enlightening panel discussion is a must-watch for you! This Spine-Talks panel discussion was filmed at the LSRS 2023 Annual Meeting. Join us as esteemed experts, Dr. Wellington Hsu and Dr. Cara Sedney, provide valuable insights for understanding and treating low back pain. Don’t let low back pain hold you back anymore—tune in and empower yourself with knowledge!

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Frontiers in Treating Low Back Conditions

Curious about the new frontiers in treating low back conditions? Get ready to explore these innovations with Dr. Bruce Darden and Dr. Zorica Buser, esteemed experts in the field of lumbar spine! This Spine-Talks panel discussion was filmed at the LSRS 2023 Annual Meeting.  This panel discussion unravels the vital role of research in advancing lumbar spine care. Embark on this insightful journey with us today!

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