Featuring patient-friendly articles and interviews with top spine researchers, surgeons on the NSHF’s Medical & Scientific Board, and healthcare professionals, the Spine Health Journal provides a review of the latest spine health literature for a patient audience. As scientific and technological advances transform spinal healthcare, our expert contributors inform readers about how each new discovery directly impacts patient outcomes. The Journal is published free of charge for patients and professionals – ensuring that timely, unbiased information is available to all who need it.
The expert written articles are reviews by our editorial board for scientific accuracy, with an eye to simplifying the information for patient audiences. We utilize the articles in our journals as a basis for authoritative content across our digital channels. This is one powerful way that NSHF is enabled to deliver its mission of providing unbiased, honest, expert driven information. When you support NSHF, you are helping to make The Spine Health Journal possible.
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