Patrick O’Connor
Patrick O’Connor is an accomplished medical device marketing professional with over 20 years of leadership experience in leveraging novel market development strategies, clinical trial patient enrollment acceleration initiatives, key opinion leading surgeon relationship development, clinical publication efforts and medical society leadership engagement to successfully launch new technologies. Highly effective market development leader with an established track record of bringing motion preserving spine innovations to patients globally through the accrual of high-quality clinical evidence that informs both clinicians and patients during their treatment decision making processes. Patrick has supported the advancement of multiple motion preservation technologies including dynamic stabilization, facet replacement & interspinous spacer innovations developed to address lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms and next generation cervical disc replacement devices designed to alleviate cervical disc degeneration related pain through restoring natural motion. Several of these novel technologies received FDA regulatory approval after rigorous evaluation of reliable clinical outcomes data from fully enrolled US IDE Clinical Trials.
Program Manager and Partnership Lead for the Spinal Motion Preservation Task Force