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Military and Veterans’
Spine Health Task Force

Advancing Spine Care for our Nations’ Military & Veterans

Military & Veterans

Military service places exceptional physical demands on the spine, leading to a high incidence of back and neck injuries among active-duty personnel and veterans. Spine conditions are a leading cause of disability in the military, impacting deployability, performance, and long-term quality of life.

The Military & Veterans Spine Health Task Force, led by top military-trained spine surgeons, is dedicated to advancing spine care, improving treatment outcomes, and ensuring service members receive the best possible care during and after their military careers.


Education & Prevention

Developing trusted, evidence-based resources to help military personnel and veterans understand spine health, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and treatment options.

Pain Management & Recovery

Promoting non-operative care, physical therapy, and surgical advancements to minimize pain, restore function, and enhance recovery for military-related spine injuries.

Research & Innovation

Supporting data-driven studies to improve spine care, with a focus on motion preservation, neuromodulation, bone healing, and emerging technologies tailored to military needs.

Capacity & Process

Helping military personnel and veterans understand VA capabilities, ratings, and process.

Spine-Talks Back to Duty: Spine Health for Military and Service Members

This video presents an enlightening discussion featuring world-class spine surgeons, Dr. David Polly and Dr. Ron Lehman. Both graduates of West Point Military Academy and former leaders at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, they explore the unique challenges and advancements in spine care for active-duty military personnel and veterans.

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