About the Task Force
There is a national epidemic of opioid dependency. More prescriptions are written for managing spine pain than for any other reason. Therefore, NSHF has created The Opioids & Pain Spine Health Task Force to address the education gap in helping to prevent opioid dependency. NSHF works with world-renowned spine surgeons with demonstrated expertise in pain management and opioid alternative therapies for surgical and non-surgical patients to promote education and awareness among spine patients of the appropriate use of opioids for pain management.

Our Priorities Are:
Priority 1: Create best-in-class educational content on awareness and prevention with a microsite at spinehealth.org as a landing place for content utilizing authoritative digital content to include videos of Task Force members, including Spine-Talks, infographics/patient toolkit covering non-surgical chronic pain approaches, acute pain management and surgical patient pain management and finally practice guidelines for providers.
Priority 2: Dissemination of educational content through digital strategies, society partnerships and traditional media channels.
Priority 3: To conduct research related to strategies that improve outcomes while minimizing opioids and maximizing pain relief for spine patients.